Why Do Cats Rub

Have you ever stopped to think why your cat likes to rub his body against the wall as he walks past, maybe he brushes against your legs as he walks between them or likes to rub his face up again random objects? There are a few simple explanations for this behaviour, keep reading to find out more on this common happening.
Leaving their scent – pheromones
Your cat rubbing its face on things has a name and it’s called “bunting”, it means he is leaving his scent behind. This is due to the fact that cats have multiple scent glands on their head; these are located around their mouths, chin, and sides of face, neck and on their ears and they transfer feel good pheromones which produces a sense of calm in the cat. The same goes for scratching (which we humans hate) as it releases a similar pheromone, which marks their territory. This phenomenon is more common in male cats and they will often “bunt” over other cats scent marks.
Picking up your scent
Rubbing against inanimate objects can also be a way for your cat to pick your scent up, so they are essentially wearing a ‘you’ perfume!
It’s mating season
Rubbing against objects and people could be a tactic to provide cues to other cats or for a male cat, to find the scent of a female wanting to mate.
If your cat is rubbing against you, he might be making sure you don’t forget to feed him, change his litter or let you know he wants to go outside. If he rubs against another cat, this could be a sign he wants to be groomed. The same way he may rub against your when he wants a scratch behind the ears.